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(L-R) VW Bro. Barry Prior DPGM, Christine Bovingdon-Cox and WBro. Mark Avery WM

Windrush Car and Motorcycle Lodge

 News 13th Dec 2019 Updated 4th Jan 2020
Friday 13th doesn't always mean bad luck.
Not ones to be daunted by superstition, Windrush Car and Motor Cycle Lodge of Mark Master Masons and Windrush Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners met at the Masonic Centre at Witney on Friday 13th December.
Traditionally the Festive Board takes the form of a White Table and wives, partners and friends are invited to attend.
After the conclusion of the meetings all assembled in the Temple to receive an extremely interesting talk from Christine (Chris) Bovingdon-Cox. Chris was a Detective for the majority of her 39 years policing career, working in departments dealing with child abuse, domestic violence, restorative justice, major crime and CID. For 8 years she was authorised to carry a firearm in order to protect members of the Royal Family and Margaret Thatcher's Government when visiting the Thames Valley. Chris said the highlight of her career was meeting Princess Diana in the early 90's where she explained the valuable work of the Family Protection Unit of Thames Valley Police, in protecting children and vulnerable adults. Chris retired as a police officer in 2012 and is very proud to have served for 39 years in the Thames Valley Police.
Chris was able to join the members and friends at the Festive Board where all were roundly entertained by the Witney Town Silver Band. A medley of Christmas music was interspersed with a number of resounding carols in the singing of which all heartedly joined in.
This was the first social event organised by the newly re-named Lodge. If the evening was anything to go by, future social events including visits to venues having strong links to motoring and motorcycling should attract good support. Look out for future information from WBro. Paul Kiefer, the Lodge Secretary.

Rose Croix Promotions

 News 4th Dec 2019 Updated 4th Jan 2020
Ill.Bro. Henry Carter of Oxford University Chapter RC and Ill.Bro. Simon Lambert of St. John the Baptist Chapter RC both received their first promotion to the Thirtieth Degree at Duke Street in London on Wednesday 4th December 2019.
On behalf of all the members of the Ancient & Accepted Rite in the District of Oxfordshire I offer them sincere congratulations on this well-deserved promotion.
V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33°
Inspector General, District of Oxfordshire


(L-R) R.W.Bro. Ian Alexander QC and V.W.Bro. Barry Prior DPGM

A great evening at Weyland Lodge

 News 3rd Dec 2019 Updated 12th Dec 2019
On Tuesday 3rd December, our Provincial Grand Master and several his Team were pleased to Join a great number of Brethren at the Weyland Lodge Installation Meeting at the Bicester Masonic Centre.
This was a superb meeting enjoyed by all.
The meeting was further enhanced with the presence of R.W.Bro. Ian Alexander QC, our past PGM, who had been directed by the Grand Master to invest our DPGM Barry Prior with the collar of his newly appointed rank of Past Grand Junior Overseer so becoming a Very Worshipful Brother.

(L-R) R.W.Bro. Ian Wright PGM, W.Bro. Graham Scothern WM and V.W.Bro. Barry Prior DPGM


The Provincial Team


WCN with members of the Provincial Team and Members of the Lodge
(L-R) Bro. L Waller, W.Bro. A Barlow RAMPrGR, W.Bro. R Staines RAMGR, R.W.Bro. R Slade RAMGR, W.Bro. R Bridger RAMGR, Bro. G Lee MBE (SW), R.W.Bro. I Wright PrGM RAMGR, W.Bro. L Howie WCN, W.Bro. JE Holtom RAMPrGR, W.Bro. JH Holtom RAMGR, W.Bro. A Taylor, Bro. M Shayler, Bro. D Brown (JW), W.Bro. C Power, W.Bro. R Harrison RAMPrGR PrGDC

Bowyer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 1655 Installation Ceremony

 News 12th Dec 2019 Updated 12th Dec 2019
A fabulous night was had by all at the Installation of W.Bro. Len Howie as the W.C.N. of Bowyer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 1655.
The Installing Commander (acting), W.Bro. Ron Bridger RAMGR, carried out a faultless ceremony in the presence of the PrGM, and retinue.
The evening culminated with a delightful Festive Board which, un-traditionally at this time of year, and with thanks to our Warder, W.Bro. Alan Jenkins, was a Fish and Chip Supper.

(L-R circle) Rt Wy Bro. Bernie Wegerhoff, Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Richard Assenheim, Paul Sumhedo, Simon Gillas, Dr Silverio Ostrowski, Peter Gilkes, Terry Cox and Ron Bridger

Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire OSM at Grand Conclave

 News 14th Nov 2019 Updated 14th Nov 2019
Freemasons' Hall was the venue for a very busy and successful meeting of the Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor and the Province of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire was well represented, supporting Wy Bro. Dr Silverio Ostrowski, who was honoured with a Grand Rank promotion to the active rank of Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, Wy Bro. Nick Smith to the rank of Past Grand Sword Bearer and Wy Bro. Paul Sumhedo to the rank of Past Grand Standard Bearer and our very own Wy Bro. Ron Bridger who has risen to the lofty heights of Past Grand Registrar, though he received this appointment from another Province.
Congratulations to all for these well deserved Grand Rank promotions and appointments.

32nd Degree Promotion

 News 6th Nov 2019 Updated 11th Nov 2019
Ill.Bro. Graham Anker, District Recorder, received a well-earned promotion to the 32nd Degree at a ceremony at 10 Duke Street on Wednesday 6th November.
He was supported by V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones, Inspector General, and Ill.Bro. Reg Neate.
Many congratulations to him.

Thames Chapter Rose Croix

 News 6th Nov 2019 Updated 11th Nov 2019
From the look of the glassware it seems that the Princes attending the Enthronement meeting of Thames Chapter RC on Wednesday 6th November had a good time.
The newly enthroned Most Wise Sovereign, Alan Dishington, is pictured with his predecessor, Graham Ellis and guest, Phillip Purves.
On behalf of all the members of the Order, I wish Alan a happy and successful year.
V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33°
Inspector General, District of Oxfordshire

(L-R) W.Bro. Keith Horne DC Cherwell Lodge, W.Bro. Phillip Purves PrGSW, W.Bro. Barry Prior DPGM, R.W.Bro. Ian Wright PGM, W.Bro. Robin Phipps Acting WC Cherwell Lodge, W.Bro. Marcus Smith PrGJW, W.Bro. Kevin Horswill JW Cherwell Lodge, Bro. Roger Hook JW Cherwell Lodge


(L-R) Recipients of RAMPrGR W.Bro. Paul Keifer, W.Bro. Mark Griffin, DPGM, PGM, W.Bro. Jim Bell, W.Bro. Mark Ball and W.Bro. Ray Harrison

Royal Ark Mariners' Annual Assembly

 News 5th Nov 2019 Updated 20th Nov 2019
On Tuesday 5th November, The Annual Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners was held under the Banner of Cherwell Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 847.
The meeting was well attended by members of Cherwell Lodge, visitors and members of the Provincial Team.
After the Lodge had been opened the Lodge received the Provincial Grand Master and the Provincial Officers.
After the submision and confirmation of the Minutes of the Lodges' previous meeting the Provincial Grand Master formally took the Chair and appointed his Officers.
During the Meeting the Provincial Grand Master was pleased to invest the following Brethren with Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand rank:
W Bro. M.P. Griffin Abbey Lodge No. 225
W Bro. P.A. Kiefer Alfred Lodge No. 247
W Bro. J. Bell Cherwell Lodge No. 847
W Bro. R.G. Harrison Marlborough Lodge No. 980
W Bro. M.H.E. Ball Alfred Lodge No. 247
The Provincial Grand Master then addressed the Brethren.
Before the Assembly was closed W Bro. Phillip Purves, on behalf of the Worshipful Commander of Alfred Lodge No 247 invited the Provincial Grand Master to hold the 2020 Assembly under the Banner of Alfred Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 247.

(L-R) Wy Bro. John Nicholls and R.Wy Bro. Bernie Wegerhoff

Banbury Conclave, where talent abounds

 News 22nd Oct 2019 Updated 3th Nov 2019
When the Installing Officer can't make the installation meeting, a Conclave has to rely on its supply of talent to ensure the new Supreme Ruler is installed in the correct manner and the members of Banbury Conclave rallied to the cause and installed Wy Bro. John Nicholls as Supreme Ruler for 2019/ 2020 in excellent style.
Under the direction of DC Wy Bro. Terry Cox, V.Wy Bro. Peter Gilkes and Wy Bro. Paul Robertson undertook the ceremony of installation.
The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy Bro. Bernie Wegerhoff commissioned the newly installed Supreme Ruler, while John Williams delivered the address.
An excellent meeting was rounded off with a splendid festive board.

WM with members of the Provincial Team and Senior members of the Lodge
(L-R) VW.Bro. J H Holtom PGMO, W.Bro. M Flory PPrGJW, Bro. C Tocher PrGSwd, RW.Bro. I Wright PrGM, W.Bro. R Harrison PrGDC, RW.Bro. R J Slade PPrGM, W.Bro. G T Goodman WM, W.Bro. D Brown IPM PrIG, VW.Bro. Barry Prior DepPrGM, W.Bro. A Barlow PrGMO

Wychwood Lodge No. 1443 Installation Meeting

 News 25th Oct 2019 Updated 25th Oct 2019
A fabulous night was had by all at the Installation of W.Bro. G T Goodman as the W.M. of Wychwood Mark Master Masons No. 1443.
The Installing Master, W.Bro. Dave Brown carried out a faultless ceremony in the presence of the PrGM, DPrGM and retinue.
The evening culminated with a delightful Festive Board in the fabulous Dining Room in the eaves of the Temple, which was full to limits.

WM with his Officers for 2019/ 2020
(L-R) Bro. P Pirouet PPrgStwd IG, Bro. R Gorner RofM, Bro. A Pallett Stwd, Bro. S Norridge, W.Bro. J Cocke PPrGSO Chaplain, W.Bro. Gear Charity Stwd, Bro. T Fisher Stwd, W.Bro. GT Goodman WM, W.Bro. S Bentall PrGJD Asst Sec, W.Bro. J E Holtom PPrGMO DC, Bro. G F Lee MBE JW, Bro. J Tocher PPrGstB ADC, W.Bro. D Brown PPrG IPM, Bro. C Tocher PrGStwd Stwd, Bro. J Tocher Stwd


WM with current and former members of his Craft Lodges Gateway Lodge No 8501 & Witta's Island Lodge No. 9359
(L-R) W.Bro. M Florey PPrGJW, Bro. P Page, Bro. A Gaunt, W.Bro. G Goodman WM, Bro. G F Lee MBE JW, W.Bro. A Trueman PPrStwd (London)


WM with his IM
(L-R) W.Bro. D Brown PrIG IPM & W.Bro. G T Godman WM

 Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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