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Fides Chapter No. 596 Meeting

 News 14th Oct 2019 Updated 25th Oct 2019
47 members of the Order met at Weyland Hall, Bicester on 14th October 2019 for a meeting of Fides Chapter. It was a very special evening with Most Puissant Brother Alan Englefield, Sovereign Grand Commander, Very Illustrious Brother Peter Jones, Inspector General for Oxfordshire, Very Illustrious Brothers Francis Wakem and Peter Harborne, Inspectors General for Wiltshire and Buckinghamshire respectively and Illustrious Brother James Hilditch, PGM for Oxfordshire in attendance.
The evening commenced with the Perfection of Richard Rodgers, current WM of Weyland Lodge, into the Order. Richard received the Accolade from the Sovereign Grand Commander.
The most recent Perfectee into the Chapter, E&P Bro. William McDowell, then received his Supreme Council Certificate from the Sovereign Grand Commander.
V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones was then presented with his patent for a further five years by the Sovereign Grand Commander.
As there were members present from all across the District, V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones took the opportunity to present the PGM, James Hilditch, with a cheque for £1,100 for the Oxfordshire
2022 Festival Appeal in aid of the MCF. This represented donations from all the Chapters in the District of Oxfordshire.
The Brethren then retired for an excellent Festive Board.
The pictures below show the presentations and the SGC with Richard Rodgers and Peter Lindfield, Most Wise Sovereign of Fides Chapter.




(L-R) W.Bro. Eddie Peirce PrAGDC, V.W.Bro. Philip Purves PrGSW, V.W.Bro. Barry Prior DPGM, Bro. John Collinswood, W.Bro. Adrian Barlow PrGMO, W.Bro. Vaughan Humphries WM, Bro. Brian Hope JW, Bro. Paul Doe, V.W.Bro. John Avery PGMO, W.Bro. Barry Vernon PGJD, W.Bro. Bruce Gage PPrGSD

St Mary's Lodge No. 1242 Installation

 News 18nd Oct 2019 Updated 22nd Oct 2019
On Friday 18th October St Mary's Lodge No. 1242 held its 221st regular meeting, our Installation meeting, at Thame Masonic Hall.
Attended by seventeen Lodge members and seven visitors, including V.W.Bro. Barry Prior DPGM, V.W.Bro. Philip Purves PrGSW, accompanied by W.Bro. Eddie Peirce PrAGDC.
Our Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Vaughan F. Humphries, was Proclaimed Master for a further 12 months. This has allowed a progression of Brethren up the ranks, resulting for the first time in several years, an unbroken line up of officers below the Worshipful Master who have not as yet attained the chair. This is something we are very proud of and is the result of a determined recruitment drive which, we hope to continue.
We made good use of the DPGM, not only did he accept the Gavel and take the Minutes, he also delivered an excellent address to the Brethren, followed by presenting Grand Lodge Certificates to our two latest recruits, Bro. John Collinswood and Bro. Paul Doe.
Overall, this was a very relaxed and pleasant occasion, followed by an excellent Festive Board.

Members of the new Conclave, together with its two newest members

Oxonium Conclave of Pilgrim Preceptors No. 31

 News 19th Oct 2019 Updated 20th Oct 2019
A new Conclave of the Masonic Order of Pilgrim Preceptors was consecrated at Cardinal House by the Grand Master, MW Bro.Stephen Ayres, on Saturday October 19th.
The event was attended by 40 brethren, including 15 Founders, including the Provincial Grand Master.
The Consecration meeting was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and followed by an excellent lunch, at which the usual Toasts were proposed.
Following lunch, the first regular meeting of the Conclave was held, in which Excellent Companions Eugene Gratwohl and Edward Pilling were admitted to the Order, by the Primus Master Ron Bridger, ably assisted by Phillip Purves and Duncan McQueen as the other Principal Officers.
Pilgrim Preceptors is a rapidly growing Order, which is open to all who have been installed as First Principals of a Royal Arch Chapter. It deals with the story of the Fourth or Fraternal Lodge, held in Rome during the reign of the Emperor Titus.
Companions wishing to make an advancement in Royal Arch knowledge are encouraged to seek membership via the Conclave Scribe, Richard Skym (via scribe.pp.oxonium(at), replacing '(at)' with '@').

Rose Croix Promotions

 News 16th Sep 2019 Updated 23rd Sep 2019
On behalf of all the members of the Ancient & Accepted Rite I would like to offer my congratulations to Ill. Bros. Mike Augur and Chris Stanford, who received their first promotion to the Thirtieth Degree at a ceremony in London at 10 Duke Street on Monday 16th September 2019.
They were among 57 members from around the country, who received promotion on that day and I wish them well with their new status.
V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33°
Inspector General, District of Oxfordshire

The Consecrating Team
(L-R) V.Dist.Comp. Phillip Purves, V, GDC; Dist.Comp. Paul Merryfellow, III, AGRec; R.Dist.Comp. Francis Spencer, VI, DepGSum; V.Dist.Comp. Timothy Morris, V, DepGOrg; Dist.Comp. Len Millings, VI, PGSwdB; M.Dist.Comp. Ian Currans, VI, GSum; Dist.Comp. David Baruch, III, PrGG; R.Dist.Comp. Howard Markham, VI, AGSum; Dist.Comp. Iain Swell, IV, GStdB; V.Dist.Comp. Eric Bourne, VI, GEpis; Dist.Comp. Michael Pacey, IV, DepGSwdB; Dist.Comp. Julian Greenwall, V, DepGDC

Consecration of the Thames Valley Scarlet Cord Consitory No. 129

 News 16th Jul 2019 Updated 6th Aug 2019
On Tuesday 16th July 2019 the Thames Valley Scarlet Cord Consistory No. 129 was consectrated at the Oxford Masonic Centre, Cardinal House, Marsh Baldon.
The Grand Summus of the Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord, Most Distinguished Companion Ian Stanley Currans, VI assisted by Officers of the Grand Senatus performed the Consecration and Dedication Ceremony.
R.Dist. Comp. Francis Spencer, VI, DepGSum, installed Dist. Comp. Bernd Wegerhoff, IV as the first President of the Consistory.
The Thames Valley Scarlet Cord No. 129 will hold its regular meetings on the first Friday in February and the first Thursday in July (I) at Wallingford Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Lane, Wallingford.
Information regarding the Thames Valley SC No. 129 can be obtained by contacting the Recorder, Dist. Comp. Silverio Ostrowski.

The Founding Members
(Back L-R): Comp. Raymond Fox, III; Dist.Comp. His Honour Ian Alexander QC, IV, PGSwdB; Dist.Comp. Duncan McQueen, III; R.Dist.Comp. Richard Owen, V, PrGSum; Dist. Comp. Christopher Davis, V, PAGDC; Dist. Comp. Terry Cox, III, PrGSwdB; Comp. Alan Sutton, III; V.Dist. Comp. Peter Gilkes, V, APrGSum; V.Dist. Ronald Bridger, V, PGLect; Dist.Comp. Silverio Ostrowski, V, PGHer, PrGRec; Dist.Comp. Paul Sumedho, III, APrGRec; Dist.Comp. William Winter, IV, PAGStB (Seated L-R): Em.Comp. Graham Turner, III, DepPrGDC (Primus Lectores); Dist. Comp. Bernd Wegerhoff, IV (President); Em.Comp. Stephen Pope, III, (Primus Ostiarii)

Rose Croix News

 News 11th Jul 2019 Updated 11th Jul 2019
What a bumper month for the Order, June has been.
It started in fine style with Ill.Bro. Chris Carter, Wykham Chapter, receiving his 32° at a ceremony in Duke Street, London on 4th June.
On 5th June, Bro. Matthew Ball was perfected into Thames Chapter.
On 11th June, Bro. Steve Sahonta was perfected into Wykham Chapter.
On 12th June, Bro. William McDowell was perfected into Fides Chapter.
On 15th June, Bro. Charl Sevel was perfected into Oxford University Chapter.
On 28th June, Bro. Matthew Smith was perfected into Terra Sancta Chapter.
On 17th June, V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33°, Inspector General, enthroned his successor, Ill.Bro. Graham Anker 31°, District Recorder, as Most Wise Sovereign of Oxfordshire Chapter.
Bicastrian Chapter also has a candidate for Perfection at its meeting to be held on 11th July 2019.
On behalf of all the members of the Order, I offer congratulations to Ill.Bro. Chris Carter and all the new Perfectees.
The health of the Order in Oxfordshire is looking good.
V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33°
Inspector General, District of Oxfordshire

Sovereign Grand Inspector General V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33° congratulates the Candidate E&P Bro. Matthew Smith 18°

Terra Santa Rose Croix Chapter No. 923 Perfection

 News 28th Jun 2019 Updated 11th Jul 2019
Members of Terra Sancta Rose Croix Chapter No. 923 and their guests, enjoyed another enjoyable evening at the Masonic Centre in Chipping Norton on Friday 28 June 2019.
Bro. Matthew Smith SW of Gateway Lodge No. 8501 was Perfected into the Ancient & Accepted Rite with aplomb by the MWS E&P Bro. Alan Jenkins 18° ably assisted by several Past MWS'.
Sovereign Grand Inspector General V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33° very kindly carried out the Accolade, a honour for both the Candidate and the Chapter.
Thereafter, following the meeting the brethren retired to Crown and Cushion Hotel in Chipping Norton to enjoy a fabulous Festive Board; a fine repast in great company.

Fides Chapter Rose Croix Meeting

 News 25th Apr 2019 Updated 5th May 2019
Members of Fides Chapter RC and their guests had a very enjoyable evening on Thursday 25th April when E&P Bro. Peter Lindfield was enthroned as Most Wise Sovereign by his predecessor, Ill. Bro. Reg Neate.
A total of 28 brethren were present and this number included four Sovereigns from other Chapters in the District.
V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones, Inspector General was also present and presented a Supreme Council certificate to E&P Bro. Mike Murphy, who was perfected into the Chapter in 2018.
Ill.Bro. Nick Carter was welcomed into the Chapter as a joining member.
An excellent Festive Board was enjoyed after the ceremony and included a glass of port, courtesy of Peter Lindfield, the new MWS.

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC hands over responsibility for future Team Visits to the Provincial Grand Master Designate, W Bro. Ian Wright PGSD


RW Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC, Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire, W Bro. Mark Avery, VW Bro. John C M Avery PGMO and RW Bro. Richard Olliver, Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire


The Cake

A high octane evening for
The Windrush Car and Motorcycle Lodge of Mark Master Masons

 News 5th Apr 2019 Updated 23rd Apr 2019
Friday 5th April 2019 will be a night to remember not only for the members of the newly named Windrush Car and Motorcycle Lodge No. 1386 but also for all those privileged to have been present.
The meeting commenced with the arrival of the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC and a strong team of his Provincial Officers all anxious to support the Provincial Grand Master on this his last official team visit before his retirement on 16th May. The Provincial Grand Master's first important and pleasant task was to present to the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, W Bro. Rob Morris, the newly amended Warrant of the Lodge issued by Grand Lodge. The meeting so legitimised, the Provincial Grand Master took the Chair and proceeded to invest W Bro. Stephen Quant PGJD as Provincial Grand Charity Steward. Whilst in the Chair the Provincial Grand Master called for the Minutes of the previous meeting which were duly proposed, seconded and confirmed by the members present.
The Worshipful Master being restored to the Chair, many present were puzzled by an unexpected Report. Upon the Tyler and Inner Guard being questioned as to the cause of such interruption, it was announced that outside the door of the Lodge were "four workmen from the Quarries of Berkshire who were anxious to assist in the evenings work".
The puzzlement of all present was soon answered by the entrance of RW Bro. Richard Olliver, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Master Mason's Province of Berkshire accompanied by VW Bro. Michael Sanders PGJO, Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro. Frank Hames PPrGInspWks and W Bro. Ted Lewis PPrGSD. To the delight and pleasure of RW Bro. Ian, RW Bro. Richard explained that, having heard of the imminent last Team Visit of RW Bro. Ian, he had determined to cement the close fraternal relationship between the two Provinces by arranging to attend the meeting. RW Bro. Richard and his companions were welcomed with enthusiasm by all present.
The excitement of the evening only having just begun, the assembled Brethren were then treated to the rare event of Bro. Mark Avery being Installed as Worshipful Master by his father, VW Bro. John C.M. Avery PGMO. VW Bro. John carried out the Ceremony of Installation including the presentation of the Working Tools and the Address to the Worshipful Master singlehandedly in an exemplary manner. The Provincial Grand Master gave the Address to the Brethren in a similarly flawless manner.
W Bro. Mark then proceeded to appoint his officers and to invest those present.
The formalities of the meeting being concluded, the Brethren adjourned to an excellent Festive Board. The surprises of the evening were far from over however because the Provincial Grand Master concluded his Reply to his Toast by presenting to the Worshipful Master a porcelain mug from his own personal collection depicting memorable motor cars with the wish that the mug be displayed at all future Festive Boards.
All present thought the evening then concluded but it was not to end without another surprise. Before the Festive Board was concluded the Worshipful Master presented to the Provincial Grand Master a decorated cake as a token of appreciation for all that the Provincial Grand Master had done for the Province of Oxfordshire during his period in office.
The evening being concluded, all departed in harmony and peace, having experienced a number of important firsts not only for the Lodge but for the Province. If the atmosphere and enjoyment of the evening was anything to go by, the engine of The Windrush Car and Motorcycle Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1386 should now be fully tuned and ready to accelerate into the future.

Alan Weir, Unit Manager, St John Ambulance, Innes Mason, Chairman, Oxfordshire County Priory Group, RW Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC, Provincial Grand Master, W Bro. Ian Wright PGSD, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro. Barry Prior PAGDC Provincial Grand Deputy Secretary, W Bro. Paul Benham, Provincial Grand Treasurer, W Bro. Ray Harrison, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies


Alan Weir, (3rd from right) Unit Manager and volunteer members of Vale and West Unit of St John Ambulance

Presentation of Mobile Treatment Unit

 News 6th Apr 2019 Updated 23rd Apr 2019
On Saturday 6th April, at the Abingdon Unit of St John Ambulance, RW Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC and a number of Officers of the Province of Mark Master Masons of Oxfordshire formally presented a Mobile Treatment Centre to Innes Mason, Oxfordshire County Priory Group Chairman of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
Innes in turn presented the vehicle to Alan Weir, St John Ambulance Unit Manager, Vale and West Unit of St John Ambulance.
The Treatment Centre was financed by the Mark Benevolent Fund and was one of more than 50 vehicles, Ambulances, Treatment Centres and Support Vehicles purchased with a £3.2 million grant from the Fund and which are being handed over progressively in the British Isles.
When handing over the vehicle, RW Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC said:

 I am delighted to formerly hand over the keys to this very impressive new Mobile Treatment Centre to the Chairman of the Oxfordshire County Priory Group. It makes me and all Mark Master Masons both here in Oxfordshire and elsewhere feel very proud of the achievements of the Mark Benevolent Fund in being able to support the St John Ambulance by purchasing these new units for you.

I am aware that you are all volunteers fulfilling a very worthwhile cause in caring for others and I was very pleased to be told that one of your number may also be a Blood Biker, another charity which the Mark Benevolent Fund is supporting.

You all must feel very proud of all the magnificent work you do. 

In accepting the vehicle Innes Mason said:

 The donation of this vehicle is wonderful news for the county and will significantly help enhance patient care and contribute to more lives saved locally. We're immensely grateful to the Mark Master Masons in the Oxfordshire Province and to the Mark Benevolent Fund for their generosity and we look forward to seeing the positive use made by local St John Ambulance volunteers of the vehicle in the future, as they continue the charity's life saving mission. 

Upon receiving the vehicle from Innes Mason, Unit Manager Alan Weir assured the party that the vehicle would indeed be put to good use and was in fact scheduled to attend The White Horse Half Marathon the following day, 7th April.
Following the presentation, the party were invited to inspect the Treatment Centre, and all were impressed with the level of sophistication built into the vehicle which will enable members of the public to be given immediate treatment in a warm and private environment whilst also providing the St John Ambulance teams some measure of comfort themselves when attending events. A kettle was part of the equipment. A microwave oven to follow?
All were then invited into the Unit's Headquarters and entertained with tea, coffee and refreshments provided by the Unit, perfectly timed as the weather turned colder.
The Provincial team were also privileged to witness Unit Manager, Alan Weir, being presented with a Long Service Certificate by Innes Mason.

 Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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