
Please submit all your news articles for publication below, with quality images & video if possible, to
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Wykham Chapter Rose Croix Meeting

 News 27th Mar 2019 Updated 22nd Apr 2019
Members of Wykham Chapter Rose Croix and their guests also enjoyed a very special, and busy evening at the Banbury Masonic Centre on Wednesday 27th March 2019.
This meeting was attended by the Grand Prior.
Bro. James Hewison, a member of Cherwell Lodge, was perfected into the Ancient & Accepted Rite and this was followed by the Enthronement of E&P Bro. Michael Smail as Most Wise Sovereign for the ensuing year.
Thereafter the Grand Prior presented a Supreme Council Certificate.
After the meeting the Brethren retired to the Dining Hall for an excellent Festive Board.
This meeting was also attended by the Inspector General for the District of Oxfordshire, V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33°.

Terra Sancta Chapter Rose Croix Meeting

 News 22nd Mar 2019 Updated 22nd Apr 2019
Members of Terra Sancta Chapter Rose Croix and their guests enjoyed a very special evening at the Masonic Centre in Chipping Norton on Friday 22nd March 2019.
The meeting was attended by the Sovereign Grand Commander.
W.Bro. Jason Garner, a PM of Evenlode Lodge, was perfected into the Ancient & Accepted Rite.
Thereafter, Ill.Bro. Richard Floyd 31° and a past Sovereign, was made an Honorary Member of the Chapter.
The climax of the evening was the presentation of a certificate to celebrate 'Fifty Years as a member of the Ancient & Accepted Rite' to Ill.Bro. Charles Woodward 32°, who is also a founding member of the Chapter. The presentation was made by the Sovereign Grand Commander.
Following the meeting the brethren retired to The Chequers PH in Chipping Norton to enjoy a Festive Board together.
This meeting was also attended by the Inspector General for the District of Oxfordshire, V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones 33°.


(L-R) R.Wy Bro. Bernie Weggerhoff PGSR and Wy Bro. Ian Wright SR

Wychwood Conclave Meeting

 News 27th Sep 2018 Updated 22nd Apr 2019
At the recent Wychwood OSM meeting where the PGSR, Wy Bro. Bernie Wegerhoff presented the SR, Wy Bro. Ian Wright with a SR's Jewel, which was first worn by the conclave second SR in 1968.
It is a beautiful Jewel and Ian can wear it whilst visiting other conclaves.

Closer look


Bicastrian Chapter No. 1111 Rose Croix Meeting

 News 14th Mar 2019 Updated 24th Mar 2019
Members of Bicastrian Chapter RC were joined by an equal number of visitors from Fides Chapter RC on Thursday 14th March to witness E&P Bro. Keith Austin being enthroned as Most Wise Sovereign.
The meeting was attended by V.Ill.Bro. Peter Jones, Inspector General and the brethren had an enjoyable evening followed by a superb Festive Board.

Windrush Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1386 moves up a gear

 News 18th Mar 2019 Updated 18th Mar 2019
The General Board of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons has now approved the change of the Lodge's name to The Windrush Car and Motorcycle Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1386.
At its next meeting on 5th April, the Lodge will be receiving the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC and his team of Provincial Officers.
This will be the Provincial Grand Master's last Team Visit before he retires and it promises to be a very interesting meeting. The Provincial Grand Master will use the occasion to present the Lodge with its amended Warrant reflecting the new name.
The meeting is in fact the Lodge's Installation Meeting and a stalwart of the Lodge, and indeed of the Province, VW Bro. John C.M. Avery PGMO will participate in the ceremony of Installing his son, Mark, into the Chair as the first Worshipful Master since the re-naming of the Lodge.
All Mark Master Masons are invited to the meeting and if you have an interesting or well cherished car or motor cycle you will be doubly welcome. There is a large car park at Witney Masonic Centre!
Any Brother wishing to attend should book in with the Lodge Secretary, W Bro. Paul Kiefer on 01865 765243 or via secretary.mark.windrush(at) (replacing '(at)' with '@').

Consecration of Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1999

 News 15th Feb 2019 Updated 19th Feb 2019
On Friday 15th February 2019 I was invited by W.Bro. Robert Morris, the WM of Windrush Lodge of Mark Master Masons who is currently our active Provincial Grand Steward, to attend as his guest at Mark Mason's Hall for the consecration of the Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1999.
The Consecrating Officer was M.W Bro. Raymond Smith, Pro Grand Master, assisted by a full Grand Lodge Team.
It was a magnificent occasion to be present at. The Grand Temple was nearly full with 50 Founding Members and many guests including a goodly number of Active and Past PGMs and other Mark Masons. R.W.Bro. Edward R Garty, the PGM of Middlesex, was installed as the Primus Master by R.W.Bro. David Ashbolt, the PGM for London. It was very pleasing to see the Grand Secretary himself giving the address to the Overseers and the Grand Director of Ceremonies the address to the Brethren; both gave consummate deliveries, as did everyone else.
As you might expect of an Armed Forces Lodge, the Festive Board of excellent quality.
We must all congratulate our Brother Bob in being invested as the Senior Warden of this new prestigious special interest lodge and wish him and it great success for the future.
Rt W.Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC
Provincial Grand Master

RAM Annual Assembly and Bowyer Mark Lodge Installation

 News 21st Dec 2018 Updated 21st Dec 2018
The 24th Annual Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners of Oxfordshire and Installation Meeting of the Bowyer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 1655.
At the Burford Masonic Hall on Thursday 6th December a wonderful evening was enjoyed by all at the Installation Meeting of Bowyer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 1655 under whose banner was held the 24th Annual Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners of Oxfordshire.
After opening the Lodge, the Worshipful Commander was pleased to receive the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander Q.C., G.M.R.A.C.(H.C.) accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Ian Wright R.A.M.G.R. and the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. The Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. Jason Garner, then proceeded to install his successor, Bro. David Portman, with great aplomb.
The new Commander then offered the Sceptre of the Lodge to the Provincial Grand Master, who accepted it and took the Chair, appointed his officers and proceeded to open the 24th Annual Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners of Oxfordshire.
The Annual Assembly received the Obituary Role of those Royal Ark Mariners of Oxfordshire who had sadly passed away during the year before the Provincial Grand Secretary presented his report. The Provincial Grand Master then invested W. Bros. Peter Gilkes and Allan Gillingham with Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank before addressing Annual Assembly.
After the Annual Assembly was closed, the Worshipful Commander of Bowyer Lodge was restored to the Chair and the Provincial Grand Master and his officers retired. The new Commander then proceeded take the remaining business before closing Bowyer Lodge. Following the meeting, all enjoyed a wonderful repast at the Festive Board.

The newly Installed Commander, W.Bro. David Portman with his newly appointed Officers of Bowyer Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1655.
(L-R) Bro. Les Waller, W.Bro. Ron Bridger, W.Bro. Clive Power, W.Bro. John H Holtom, W.Bro. David Portman WC(N), W.Bro. Jason Garner (Installing Commander), Bro. Dave Brown JW, W.Bro. John E Holtom, W.Bro. Ron Lovegrove and W.Bro. Anthony Taylor (Bro. Grahame Lee MBE SW was present taking the picture)


The Provincial Grand Master and his officers.
(L-R) W.Bro. Allan Dishington, PrGDDC, W.Bro. Ray Harrison, PrGDC, W.Bro. Marcus Smith, PrGJW, W.Bro. Mark Ball PrGSec, W.Bro. Ian Wight, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander, Q.C., Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Allan Gillingham, PrGSwdB, W.Bro. Barry Prior, PrGDepSec, W.Bro. Anthony Nimmo, acting PrGSW, W.Bro. John Grout, acting PrGG, W.Bro. Paul Benham, PrGTreas, acting PrGADC, W.Bro. Barry Weston, PrGDepChap, W.Bro. Keith Rogers, PrGAlm, W.Bro. Adrian Barlow, PrGJO


(L-R) Rt Wy Bro. Trecor Cavill, PGSR Warwickshire, V Wy Bro. Richard Own DPGSR, Wy Bro. Ivor Hawkins SR, Rt Wy Bro. Bernie Wegerhoff PGSR and V Wy Bro. Maxwell Pipe DPGSR Warwickshire

Provincial Grand Recorder's Installation in Oxford Conclave's chair

 News 17th Nov 2018 Updated 25th Nov 2018
And about time too, many may say!
In a very enjoyable meting held at Woodstock Masonic Hall, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Rt Wy Bro. Bernie Wegerhoff, accompanied by his Deputy, V Wy Bro. Richard Owen, together with a the provincial Grand Supreme Ruler of Warwickshire, Rt Wy Bro. Trevor Cavill, his deputy, V Wy Bro. Maxwell Pipe and a plethora of Warwickshire Provincial Officers, not forgetting Rt Wy Bro. John Tewson, who with less than an hour's notice stepped in and installed Wy Bro. Ivor Hawkins as Supreme Ruler of the Oxford Conclave, due to the current Supreme Ruler going down with "double man flu"!
Following the installation the new Supreme Ruler then went on to Induct W.Bro. Ewan Gordon into the order in his own inimitable style, the ceremony was conducted with due solemnity and a pinch of good humour.
All those present, especially the Warwickshire team, had an excellent time followed by a splendid lunch.


(L-R) Rt Wy Bro. Bernie Wegerhoff PGSR, Wy Bro. Ivor Hawkins SR, Bro. Ewan Gordon and Rt Wy Bro. John Tewson (Warwickshire)


(L-R) R.W.Bro. James Hilditch, R.W.Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC, V.W.Bro. John Holtom, R.W.Bro. Geoffrey Redman-Brown and R.W.Bro. Richard Slade

Mark Annual Provincial Meeting

 News 11th May 2017 Updated 21st May 2017
On 11th May a very successful and happy Annual Meeting took place at Heythrop Park attended by 130 members, visiting Provincial Grand Masters and distinguished visitors.
The Provincial Grand Master welcomed six Brethren who had been advanced during the year and presented them with commemorative lapel badges and he also presented a Mark Benevolent Fund gold jewel and collarette to W.Bro. Michael Killeen.
The meeting was called off and those who had taken part in the MBF Charity Walk, Mrs Wendy Wright, Miss Victoria Alexander, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Ian Wright, the Provincial Grand Senior Warden, W.Bro. Tony Nimmo and the Provincial Grand Junior Warden, W.Bro. John Reeve were presented to the Provincial Grand Master who presented them with commemorative Certificates to mark the walk. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master reciprocated by presenting the Provincial Grand Master with his own Certificate.
After the investiture of Officers, a special highlight of the meeting was the Presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to V.W.Bro. John Holtom PGMO who was stepping down after 16 years as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. The presentation took place in the presence of the four past and present Provincial Grand Master under whom V.W.Bro. John had served.
V.W.Bro. John was also presented with a travel voucher as a parting gift from the Lodges of the Province which was supplemented at the Festive Board by the presentation of a bottle of 12 year Malt Whisky.
As the meeting was taking place, a number of wives of members and visitors were entertained to a talk by Dr Robert Treharne-Jones, The Press Officer of Leander Rowing Club and Regatta commentator which was followed by a convivial dinner.


(L-R) R.W. Bro. Peter Sands PPGM Berkshire, R.W. Bro. James Hilditch PPGM Oxfordshire, R.W. Bro. Chris Radmore PGM Hertfordshire, W.Bro. David Cummin, WM Thames Lodge of MMM, R.W. Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC PGM Oxfordshire, R.W. Bro. Richard Olliver, PGM Berkshire and R.W. Bro Richard Slade PPGM Oxfordshire

A Unique Occasion at Henley Masonic Centre

 News 29th Apr 2016 Updated 10th May 2016
On Thursday 29th April, 41 members and guests of Thames Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1183, meeting at the Masonic Centre, 61 Reading Road, Henley–on- Thames, witnessed a very unique Installation Ceremony.
R.W. Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander QC, Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Oxfordshire attended the meeting and was joined by R.W. Bro. Christopher Radmore, Provincial Grand Master of the Degree in Hertfordshire and R.W. Bro. Richard Olliver, Provincial Grand Master of the Degree in Berkshire, and the Ceremony of Installation of Bro. David Cummin was carried out in an exemplary manner by the three Provincial Grand Masters.
Also present were three Past Provincial Grand Masters, R.W. Bros. Richard Slade and James Hilditch both Past Provincial Grand Masters of Oxfordshire and R.W. Bro. Peter Sands Past Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire.
To round off a very memorable meeting a Grand Lodge Certificate was presented to Bro. Melvyn Williams by R.W. Bro. James Hilditch, who is also currently Provincial Grand Master of the Craft in Oxfordshire. It was an occasion that will be remembered by those attending for many years.
The Meeting was followed by an excellent and convivial Festive Board in the Thames suite of the Masonic Centre.

 Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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